Monday, February 12
I can't wait until April. I seriously can't. That just makes this month and next month the most pointless months in my entire life. Peeping Tom = Mike fucking Patton!!
I am fucking sick of Pink Floyd. Are you? I am. It is completely the media and capitalism's fault. Yes, constantly play the same fucking songs over and over on the radio - those stupid fucking Axl Rose-type 8-12 minute epics. Yes, let JCPenney and Wal-Mart and K-Mart and Fucktard Land sell millions of rip-off Pink Floyd t-shirts to fat kids who think they can be aggressively metal. Yes, let Junk Food sell faded, toilet paper-thin sad attempts at Pink Floyd t-shirts to girls who think the
Animals pig is stylish.
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!I even had a poster of David Gilmour on my wall, just to fill up space. It really is about time take it down, because that man really has some personal hygiene problems. "He's mad fugly, yo."
Nobody hates nothing more than songs that are over 8 minutes long on the radio. Nobody. Absolutely fucking no one. "Stairway to Heaven" is bad enough, "Estranged" is just fucking torture, "Stranglehold" is an absolute needle stretching the rectum - and add about five or six more Pink Floyd sleepy songs in there and you've got a compilation for someone who's as old as fucking David Carradine. Just, fucking stop it, man. No more fucking epics. The only epic that I like is that Faith No More song. You know, the one where it's about how guys can't go down on themselves. Go look up the lyrics. Supposedly, Faith No More are a one-hit wonder in the U.S. because of that song? Well I'll be damned,
that is a good song to be known for. Unlike the fucking macarena or 99 red balloons.
I don't want to believe that Faith No More are a one-hit wonder in this here waters. That is why I will not say they are. But to everyone else, they probably are. I need more perspectives on this. I doubt it, though. Whatever, it doesn't fucking matter.
I'll tell you what I also love. Projectors. Lita and I were in music class today, being forced to watch a documentary about the legacy of Sun Records. To be honest, I don't really care. What made that documentary memorable was the shadow fingers of picking the dudes' noses on the screen. She makes a mighty fine gorilla shadow, I tell ya.
Did I watch the Grammy Awards last night? No. The only thing I regret missing was Justin Timberlake, I fucking swear. The Police I have no interest in. Tell me they have more than three songs that they can perform onstage and
maybe I'll give a shit.
I could really go for a crate or two of fudge brownies right now. And a lot of fucking food.

Please, will you help a girl in need?I'm fucking serious. If you see me on a regular basis, all I'm asking for is for you to get me a brownie or two. You know how my mom doesn't allow me to eat chocolate. It's fucking tyranny.