Wednesday, January 3
As I was sitting in art class, constructing my clay sculpture of the Brave Little Toaster, I felt as though my soul was being burned alive from inside the deep depths of my DNA double-helix strands by listening to this fucking ho speak so obnoxiously loud to her table of friends across from me about how somebody walked in on her and a guy doing it doggy-style. Like dude, I'm doing a therapeutic and relatively peaceful activity here, can you please shut the fuck up? I mean, at least Fabio has a little more credibility than her. If she was Mike Patton or some shit who was telling of their sexual escapades out loud like that, I totally would not mind at all, but if you're a dirtyass bipolar fucktard bitch who walks like a man, I'd prefer you keep that shit to a lower volume.
Not that this is a rant about sexual frustration, because only a moron would admit to such a shameful position. But I would like to point out another shmuck in my most amazing of amazingly wonderful spectacular high school of high schools. As you can see, I take many rather, what can you say, "pointless" classes. This here, is Astronomy. So one day, half of the class forgot to bring in their textbooks; me being one of them. Because of that, Mr. Teacher wants everyone to pair up with a partner who has a book. I pair up with my partner, and then ask Mr. Teacher if I could go to my locker and get my book. I come back and some other fucking cunt moved my desk and put her desk where mine was, and as a result stole my partner. Since Mr. Teacher sees me without a partner right now, he assigns me to be partners with So and So. What's even more ridiculous was that neither of them had a book, and we needed one for the assignment. Oh okay, exclude the somewhat valuable partition who possesses the one thing that you vitally need to accomplish the task. My original partner didn't even stick up for me. Fucking dolt.
I'd always thought that So and So was a cool kid so I tried to make friends because I never had the opportunity before. He's full of shit. I tried to make conversation as we tried to get our work done, but he wasn't having much of a sense of humor for or towards me. (Someone thinks I don't know humor??) He didn't talk very much to me, but he talked to all the other chicks who were sitting around me and made quasi-sexual jokes towards everyone else. Alright, to be honest, I don't think I'm
that fugly, motherfucker. At least fucking talk to me and not be an ignorant prick. Jesus fucking Christ, and I thought chocolate bars tend to like yellow-skinned chicks. I'm not saying that I have a boner for this moron, but as I have stated many-a-time before, at least somewhat fucking respect me, bitch.
Not to mention that that class has its fair share of characters. There's a really mean kid who always wears a leather jacket with dyed-black hair and once had his hair slicked back exactly like Mike Patton. Then he fucked it up and did this lameass undercut with it. I actually like undercuts, but that kid ended up looking like more of an asshole than he already was. He yelled at me once for asking for help on another assignment. Doesn't make sense (except that he probably hates my guts because, who knows, the asian and/or supposed loser factor always comes in) because we were working in the same group.
I feel like I'm Charlie Brown. I never mean any harm, but people still treat me like turd. Except, I do not have leukemia and I am not balding.
Oh man, wouldn't it suck to be stuck inside of an iron lung for the rest of your life?







He looks like he's smoking a pipe.