Tuesday, January 23
Oh man, I love it when teachers are absent. Particularly computer teachers. Do you know why? This means that I can get as many new posters for my room as I want within the duration of a one hour and thirty-minute time frame.
I think this weekend, Lita and I are going to go to the diner. Fuck yeah! It's Eat Time, Christina. Actually, it's always Eat Time with Christina. (And no, I am not currently infatuated with Bob Dole's speech impediment.) Anyone who's anyone whose seen my large collection of large handbags knows exactly what I carry in them; and it ain't crack.

100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!Fuck Cingular. They keep charging me as though I'm not on a text message plan, when I am. If anyone is willing to fork over 500 flat, green enchiladas so that my parents and I could drop our contract with Cingular and switch over to Verizon, you will be greatly rewarded-
With a nice, warm, congratulating-for-your-humanely-good-deed pat on the back.
One of my most favorite foods in the entire fucking world is mashed potatoes.
Oh yes, I am still going to be at that goddamned Peeping Tom show in April no matter fucking what it takes. My folks just don't know it yet. It may sound like I'm exaggerating and that it's not hard at all to attend such an event. But if you knew my home environment and family background, you would understand why.