Tuesday, January 23
Today was quite a progressive day. It all started with me asking to go to the bathroom, hiding in a stall, and calling Pizza Hut in hopes of they delivering to the school. The people at Pizza Hut really are retarded. Our short conversation consisted of this:
Me: "Do you guys deliver to Morris Hills High School?"
Retard on the Other Line: "Our driver just went on a 15-minute break."
Me: "So your driver isn't available?"
Retard: "No, our driver isn't available today, not at this time."
So I call some place called Dominico's afterward.
Me: "Do you guys deliver to Morris Hills High School?"
Retard #2: "Um, is that in Morristown?"
No dude, that would be called "Morristown High School." How long have you lived here, motherfucker? But anyway, the pizza delivery guy comes 40 minutes later as Me, Kerry, and Rina were waiting outside. Kerry runs like her child had just returned from a 3-year voyage across the Pacific to the extremely confused pizza guy driving up in his car. We pay him and take our pizza to class, not sharing with anyone.
Our pop music class went to the library to work on our final projects. Kerry and I decided to not do it today and instead tried to plot out a plan to swipe this really out-of-place stuffed walrus that's been sitting on top of a rotating bookshelf for as long as I've attended Morris Hills High School. All the while glaring at the librarians and teachers who hypocritically were setting up a party right in front of us students, while we were not permitted to eat at all whatsoever.
So school's almost over and we're standing by the rotating shelf of which the walrus was perched on top of. I zoned out (seriously, I have no fucking idea if I was even alive at that point, I was probably thinking about a big Mexican dinner or something) and before I knew it, there's a walrus being pushed at my chest by Kerry having just swiped it off the shelf and I proceed to stuff the motherfucker into my bag while falling on my knees behind a table to hide the little bastard, as though my water broke or something. Mission accomplished, bitch!
After school we walked to my house, dropped some shit off, and walked back to the abandoned Porsche in the woods that we had discovered two days ago. We flipped off the sunroof, reached in and unlocked the doors. Turns out there wasn't much to loot. There was nothing but manuals and Sony speakers that could have been useful had they not been gouged with water for so long and a nasty pleather jacket of some sort. All we took was a Superman trading card in near-mint condition and took the keys. Whoopty doo.

Odd attempt at trying to not let people touch our fucking food.

It seems as though wherever there's a pile of garbage, no matter if it's diapers with maggots in them, rotting food, or a car, there will always be roof shingles thrown onto the pile somehow.

My new pet walrus. Poor fella needed a new home because he had big holes on the side where the thread was sewn together.