Sunday, January 14
Jesus Christ, I think I ate something foul today. I didn't get sick from eating copius amounts of chocolate Munchkins, chocolate donuts, cheesecake, Tostitos Scoops!, and caramel chocolates at work; but after I got home from Shop Rite with my mom and was eating carrots in ranch vegetable dip, I started to get nauseous. See? Me and healthy food are not meant to be. Fuck that, man.

Look at my new bag!!!! $298 at Banana Republic, but this season I get 60% off any single handbag or leather good. So it equals to...only $127 dolla, bitch! That ain't bad for such a beautiful piece of work. I'm serious, that thing will be worth thousands someday. Or maybe not. But in my lameass materialistic and Mike Patton-dominated world, it will.
I have a thing to say about Shop Rite. Shop Rite in Rockaway, on Route 46. After work, my mom and I went there to get groceries, duh. Then as I was wandering around with our cart, following and waiting for her to pick out our food and shit, I noticed that Shop Rite is full of the most scummy, poor, desolate, unfortunate, ugly, low-life folks that this town has to offer, next to my high school. Why is it that all the lame folks like to hang around Shop Rite for no reason? If I had no life, no money, no friends, no family, I'd hang around a place that didn't have wet plastic bags with fungus and bacteria and deadly viruses growing on the inside scattered all over the ground and guys with doo-rags leaning on columns everywhere; like Borders. At least that's about five steps up.
All the workers, and the environment itself, is absolutely gross. Employees eat and frolick everywhere on their breaks like bums, and some give me weird looks while they're stacking food items. Hey, I can't fucking help that I'm asian and I'm taller than over half of your customers, okay? Not to mention the vast amounts of hispanic families who like to hang around on plastic benches. A fat mother, a fat father, a fat grandmother, maybe a fat uncle, and their four fat children in cheap $15 strollers (the ones without the little awning and where the kid just sits their ass in the seat like a ball in a scrotum). I was talking to my mom about this and she said that they're all waiting for limos, because maybe they can't afford cars. I disagree. They are all illegal and need official identity or some shit to be able to purchase a car. They're illegal, so they can't. But come on, why take your whole family to Shop Rite? People do that in Banana Republic, too. That is just
one step up, because I do not condone all these people fucking up my displays. But anyway, I'm fucking sick.
And to think that I tried getting a job there before. But back then, Shop Rite wasn't as scummy. Then I found out that Banana Republic was hiring - I fucking jumped ten miles at the opportunity.