Thursday, November 9
Ulgh, my movie partner sucks. She told me last week that we'd go drive down Clinton Road today. She mentioned it only one time without speaking to me for the rest of the week, therefore not reminding me and validating that we really are going. I did remember, but since she never brought it up again nor speak to me again I figured that she'd just forgotten about it and didn't want to go anymore.
I just got a phone call from her ten minutes ago to meet her in front of the school when I've already made plans for tonight. Plans as in getting a new cell phone and family plan along with a whole new service provider with my parents, something that I've been waiting for and am in desperate need of for quite some time now. Week after week I hear more and more static from this current piece of shit phone, and on the day when I finally could get a new one I can't go out and pick one. Whatever, I guess this is all my fault here.
So today went shopping for Christmas decorations (yes, Christmas decorations because we have nothing else to do) and I bought more stuff to work on my portfolio with. All in all you could call it an "arts and crafts day" since that was all that we bought. Well, alongside with my petty purchases of a cell phone carrier to attach to my bag (lame, I know. But it had such a cute design on it and for only $3 I couldn't resist) and a book called
The Little Book of Insults.
You kids should try the omelette with bacon and cheese on a croissant from Dunkin' Donuts. That shit is fucking deeeeeee-lish.