Wednesday, November 1
This is fucking ridiculous. My movie partner never calls me or answers her phone even if she says she will, so I've already gone on two trips to film without her. Whatever, man. I prefer going with friends anyway. Sadly enough to say, there was no one else in the class that really wanted to be each of our partners so we had to join together mediocre forces.
On Monday I took Natalia with me to Shades of Death Road and we drove down that 4-mile long or some shit stretch of highway. Got pulled over by the goddamn police, my camera mysteriously shut off for a few seconds, bought food at Quick Chek, ate at the laundromat next door, attempted to make it to Clinton Road in the same night but our folks wanted us back home by 10:30 - what a fucking doozy.
I got the entire drive down Shades of Death on tape, should upload the cop scene for ya'll to laugh at sometime. The thing is, someone had tied metallic rope across the road, blocking access for any car that's driving down on it. We didn't know whether to turn around and go back, or to drive through it. Then a cop car stops in front of it on the other side of the road, gets out of his car, takes down the rope, and gives us the okay to keep on going. Later on a few minutes later down the road, he fucking pulls us over.
So he takes a look at Nat's ID, and says, "Do you guys have anything to do with that rope back there?" Blah blah blah. "And what are you doing driving down
Shades of Death Road on
Mischief Night?" We were fucking filming something for school. "Shades of Death is nothing more than your average boring road. Just don't run over that old lady." That last sentence is what it sounded like to me, I'm pretty sure. But we were free to go. Thank god he wasn't that much of a prick, I don't need any more cops up my ass this year.

Luxury dining at your average old laundromat.

She dealt with the maps, I suck at that shit.

This is what you get when you ask me for directions.

I've met my match. Motherfucker wouldn't open.

You can see that I am a direct descendent of the late, great Hercules.

Mmm mmm good!

What the fuck do you fools think this is?

The Carrot

It looked like a fucking anus, I swear.

The Carrot soon made friends with Lemontard.

We made one kill for the day. This was it.

Pee pee!

Pickin' garbageYesterday, my partner was still being a fucking shmuck, so again that evening Nat and I went to John's house this time. John enough is a terrifying being for my movie. Ha! I kid. His room was adorned with the usual Slayer, weed, alcohol, horror movie and upside down cross posters along with a bottle of fake blood on top of a tiny ass television that was playing some weirdass horror/snuff film with the avid aroma of cigarettes in the air. No surprise.
Since Nat had to be home early, there was no time to go to Clinton Road so we all just went to this abandoned house by the canal or some shit in Wharton. Or maybe it was Dover, I forgot. The house was demolished and pretty much the only thing left standing was a single stone tower/structure, where someone painted the word "CLOWN" vertically down on it. Not really scary, I'd have to say. We couldn't get in closer, because the property was fenced off. The walk to and from the dead house was freakier, because it was a dirt path surrounded by two bodies of water on both sides; then trees and shit were across the water too.
Today was lame. No road trip or anything. All I do is get yelled at by my computer art teacher because I never look like I'm working. It's not a lack of work, it's magic is what it is, man. I always get my shit done without that look on my face as though I'm taking a shit on the can or having a pit stain 14 inches long going down the side of my shirt. Now that's what I call skill.