Monday, November 27
Ever notice how when you need something from someone, they disappear for a few days? This person said they'd pay me back my 20 bucks and never came along to. Since then they've disappeared. I fucking need this dough by Wednesday. No more lending money, Christina. No one's kept any cash of mine for this long before and it's really ticking me off because money is not a light matter. I work my ass off for this shit and I'm sure you do too. So you probably would know how I feel. I don't want to borrow from my parents because borrowing in general is sign of weakness in my opinion; you're not worthy enough to come up with anything on your own. That's why I never ask anyone for anything - I can get it myself. And if I can get it myself, the more I could respect and rely on myself. Egotistical? Not really. Just common sense.
Last night was pretty insane. I completed two college applications straight from the beginning within just 3 hours' time. Essays, personal statements, fill-ins - everything, motherfucker. It took fucking forever to start on the admissions essay, but once you get that spark, you just keep on going like any other pointless pink bunny with the stupid fucking drum and sunglasses. Since I don't really have a particular aspect or talent that is striking enough to solely base an entire piece of writing upon (such as being an athlete or a journalism dork), I decided to start sarcastically right from the get-go and define "genius."
Eh, fuck my original intention to write yet another lengthy hunk of crap.


Eternal Fashion Icon of the 20th Century

I guess that's how you get rid of a bad case of crabs.