Tuesday, November 21
So one reason why it is bad to have a core group of friends is that it is just too much goddamn money. Just because you're in the same circle of friends as someone else automatically stamps you on the forehead with the certification that you must get them a Christmas present. There goes my new purse. One that I actually intend to spend about a hundred dollars or so on. You know me and bags, I can't get enough of them. I have recently realized that I have too many fabric ones that could just fold up and be put away. Cheap shit, motherfucker. And yes, purses and handbags are my weak spot when it comes to humility.
Who the fuck assigns students a presentation with just two days to do it? Jesus fucking Christ. As much of a history buff as I am, this class pretty much sucks balls.
But back to purses. Lita is having a purse party on Sunday and I am just fucking stoked. That is, if I could avoid work and get my mother's permission. Parties + Purses = Super Jubilee Bonanza
Did I just fucking say "stoked?" Isn't that Boston or California lingo or some shit? Somebody stop that bullhocky before it becomes the next "That's hot!"
Want to know more current and popular lingo with the idiots of today? Read on.
"Yo, that's mad huge!" - You sound like a fucking dolt when you say this.
"Wus good?" - I'm not black, and neither are you.
"That's mad wicked yo!" - Mixing Boston words and Brooklyn words? Puh-leaze. I prefer to sound intelligent when I am speaking.
"That's mad crazy!" - Anyone who uses the word "mad" to describe an adjective is a fucking numbnut.
"I totally schooled you!!" - "Schooled" does not flow smoothly, thus hard to say. Plus, who wants to hear "school" during their regular life? Ulgh, with a side of ulgh.
Notice that most of these phrases end with an exclamation (that is, one without an exclamation could always have one stuck in there at the end to enhance further said stupid statement). This is because the dumbass who uses this "Dipshit's Lingo" is always the loud, obnoxious idiot who thinks that he is the shit. Well think again, buddy; take a moment and contemplate on what you have just said to your 50 million so-called "friends" who are cavorting and yelling out the same dumb observations as you are about big asses and tits.