Monday, October 2
I don't get it. What kind of a fucking homework assignment makes you choose from one of the different forms of the Protestant Reformation and explain it in one drawing - non-comically. Shithead, you know my specialty is bitchin' cartoons. My problem is, I can't draw in a serious tone worth a shit. I see a big giant
F! in my future.
So today I drove to my cousin's house, ate breakfast and cake, and then to Shop Rite to buy some chocolatey chip Teddy Grahams. Oh my god, that made my day. Teddy Grahams, man. Teddy Grahams. Those and Dunkaroos are
the two greatest bread snacks ever to be invented on the face of this motherfucking planet.
You kids have got to pour those Teddy Grahams in a bowl, and douse them in milk. Then eat them bears with a spoon, like cereal. It is quite the exquisitely delicious sexalicious mouth-watering experience. A bit messy and the bears look like oatmeal, but it tastes like no other.
Yesterday was quite the awesome day. Went to Taco Bell at night with Eric and Jeremy, which was some damn gooooood times. In the car driving away from Taco Bell, Jeremy ran over a possum on the road. I could totally see a $2000-budget horror flick deriving from this situation, involving a ginormous Chupacabra-like possum in the Rockaway area taunting innocent young individuals such as we are, who happened to kill one of its children after an unsuspected night of mexican fast food.

Eric and his silly self

Jeremy relishing in all his glory

Stole a couple hundred hot sauce packages too.I would just like to point out that Grey's Anatomy scares the hell out of me. Geraldine tried to get me into it and made me watch an episode; and the cheesy, totally staged sexual antics is just fucking lame in my book. Maybe I'm just confused. But for now, I know that that show is nothing that I could ever get into. I'd rather stick with my television boycott. There is seriously nothing ever, ever to watch anymore at times when I'm not busy with crap. Excuse me for incessantly rambling about lame shit, but it totally beats doing schoolwork about Lutheranism and Anabaptists. You know me and my issues with religion. Branding my ass with a Jesus fish is no way to go.