Wednesday, October 18
We got an opportunity to come to school at 11AM today, so Lauren and I went to Panera Bread for breakfast. It was good times, my friend.
After spending $7 on a goddamn sandwich and $2 for the goddamn lemonade, it was off to Target (which was pretty much right next door) to waste some time.
If you haven't noticed already, I've been very negligent when it comes to writing in this thing. So I'll just cut to the chase for keeping records' sake.

It doesn't get any better than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and orange juice

Every single person, whether they've known me for just minutes or for years, has seen me stuff my motherfucking face.

And I enjoy it every single time.

She's got a mighty big rattler!

This is what Ted Nugent fanatics look like, next to Ted Nugent himself.

This is what I did to your dog.

Trying to remember which one came out of my vagina

Fraggle Rock is still relevant in 2006?!?!

Scariest fucking toys, man. They were called the Only Hearts Club. Lonely Hearts Club Band? I think they served the Beatles right, by naming such a shitty toy after them.
Kiss my ass, motherfucker. Make fun of Faith No More, I don't give a flying shit.The End