Monday, September 4
Full Metal Jacket = A++++++
I bought it yesterday for $8 at the completely shitsome FYE. This bitch fucking brakes for war movies. Because no type of movie kicks more ass than a war movie. I also sold some childishly embarassing CDs; sold five of them and came out with only 14 fucking bucks? Fuck you, capitalism. But then again, those bands' music isn't really worth much anyway. The shit list includes:
Follow the Leader - Korn
Issues - Korn
Three Dollar Bill, Ya'll - Limp Bizkit
Hybrid Theory - Linkin Park
The Great Radio Controversy - Tesla
God, Tesla fucking sucks. It's so terrible that my stomach ties itself up into a tuxedo bow whenever I remember smidgets of their songs. Korn is still a very, very, guilty pleasure. But I need to stop that right now because they are so lame right now I can't even look at another 14-year-old wearing one of their
Take a Look in the Mirror t-shirts.
It's odd at how every single time that I go used CD shopping, there is always a Faith No More album somewhere in the pile (and a $4 Will Smith CD). This time, it was
Album of the Year and deciding not to buy it was like having to leave my firstborn child to an illegal foster family. I put the motherfucker back on the shelf with tears pouring down my face like the Virgin Mary cries blood whenever Paul McCartney performs "Hey Jude" again.
Why did I not buy it? I already ordered another used copy from the beloved a couple days ago. Even if I did save money from ordering online, the wait is just too fucking long. Until the 11th or so, it's supposed to come in the mail.
So I start school tomorrow. Jesus H. Christ, this means that I will have to be partially a tool and say hello to people who used to be my friends but won't anymore because apparently their balls are decreasing in size. Lauren says my homeroom will be held in the fucking band room because they have to make room for the incoming freshman class. What the fuck? What did you just say?
Move the fuck somewhere else, don't come to New Jersey. We ain't got shit here. People say they move here because there's lots of jobs. Well there wouldn't be that many jobs if you stopped building fucking shopping plazas between every set of ass cheeks in the state. Seriously, must you chop down every hornet colony's tree to build your fucking family complexes? I don't need another fucking Walgreens. I don't need another fucking Super Wal-mart. And I definitely don't need anymore fucking shitheads losing their soccer balls on my front lawn because the field is being taken by one of the several hundred little leagues in Morris County alone.
Build your capitalistic greedy shit in Kansas, or West Virginia or some shit like that. When I was on vacation in Kentucky and drove to and back from my relatives', it was sort of weird for me to see that houses were spread so far apart from one another as we drove through about five states. You could fucking stand a cell phone tower on almost every single residence there was. In Jersey, our houses are so close and the property is so small that you could seriously see every single goddamn portrait in your neighbor's living room from your front step.
We're already the most densely populated state in the nation, and one of the smallest. Get a fucking clue, fuckwit. And now I have to sit in the fucking band geeks' territory and bask in their aura of how much they suck. I'm not sorry, but their music fucking makes my ears bleed semen.