Thursday, September 28
Luckily, today did not end up being another hard heavy day of influenza, but I instead started to get a lot better - up to the point of clearing up my respiratory system of the devil. I guess praying really does work.
Just kidding, the immune system clears disease, not an imaginary superior being who was created by a human mind under the influence of crushed up/smoked foliage.
I don't think anyone cares about this, but I was the only fucker in my AP European history class who got 100% on a pop quiz. I'm sorry, but that is one hell of a superior feeling right there, especially considering that half of the class is nothing but fucking snotfaces.
I also finally started on my mockery of
The School of Athens painting by Rafael, while everyone has done a significant amount of work on their art projects already [five days ago]. Once I'm done, consider yourself owned, bitch.
Drove as smooth as a newly waxed caucasian ass to Banana Republic after school (with a permit and my mom in the passenger seat) to just fill out paperwork for about an hour. People there are cool, and there's plenty of snacks. You know me and my love of fucking snacks, man. As I filled out the consent and W-4 forms and contracts and shit, I munched on three different types of cookies to the point of utter satisfaction.
This new job is pretty much going to fucking rule. Employee discount comes up to this:
50% off regular merchandise
30% off sale shit
30% off at the Gap
20% off at Old Navy
For those of you who don't know why I'm getting such a great deal at three different stores, it's because they're all owned by the same fucking company. Kapeesh? New wardrobe, here I come.