Wednesday, September 27
I would very much like to finish writing my book about Nothing. The thing is, I can't find everything where I had left off. LiveJournal, Blogger - be smart and invent a search engine where we could search through our journal entries. Like Gmail; why not include that option with Blogger, since both services are owned and run by Google?
Why do people insist on blowing their nose in a tissue, put it back in their pocket or bag, and reuse it again? That just fucking screams, "I'm going to infect you, you fucking shitfaced well-being!" (Lame) They don't even wash their hands after sneezing a tablespoon of phlegm into their palms. This is exactly the reason why I am suffering through yet another 72-hour case of the goddamn flu. Happens at least once every year. I fucking have to go to Banana Republic tomorrow for the first time to fill out paperwork. Cut me some fucking slack.
And to think that the person with acute obsessive-compulsive personality disorder gets hit the hardest. Thanks, shove some more irony up my ass until my sphincter turns into rust.
In regards to other inferior types of beings, is those kids who think they're so superior over others now because they've seen Jackass Number Two but have never even watched the show nor the first movie. Like you're such a badass motherfucker now because you can watch grown men bust their balls without it being censored or you puking all of your credibility out from your gut. Well, since you are such a sheep, I recommend you go look up the term "Darwinism" and its motto.