Friday, September 1

This is quite possibly, the most amazing album I have ever blasted into my ear drums. Last night I lay down in the dark and listened to this hunk of glorious shit with headphones on, and it felt as though my brain was being morphed into a glob of sticky, scummy, putrid green and red goo. It was quite a feeling. Drift in and out of insanity like a crazy bitch. Don't let the cover and title fool you - this record is fucking mind-blowing.
I'm normally not one to push music down upon others and shove it down their throats like bitches would pound down tarwater into their little brothers' throats back in the 19th century, but if you ever find yourself listening to Faith No More's
Angel Dust, I urge you to listen to it
twice. The first time it's hard to sink in, but when you listen to it more than once, it just fucking grows on you and the invigorating, tingling feeling of a crazy fuckass sensation spreads throughout your body like the most deadly of deadly malaria diagnosis.
Why don't I ever try to get others to like or at least listen to the same shit as I do? No one cares. Their minds are closed tighter than the angriest twat possible. End of story.