Tuesday, September 19
It's been a week, hasn't it? Feels like longer, but then again Napoleon's dick isn't either.
You know, the typical thing, unconsciously, that I usually do whenever given the opportunity to express myself, is negative. So in other words, complaining is a sad, sad, stupid fucking thing to do. Because it's not getting you anywhere. Get the fuck off your ass and start to do something about your fucking problem. That's what LiveJournal users need to take notice of. And by the way, since so many people do that so much, why let others see such immature infidelities that you hold? Oh, you're dumb, that's why. Must have slipped my mind. Like that dude that Kevin McDonald from the Kids in the Hall is so known for playing. The lazy dude where everything slips from his mind and is an incoherent asshole because of it.
My AIM hiatus is pretty great, I would have to say. No longer would I have to read about and listen to people's problems about their sex life. I don't fucking care. Mine is bad enough, you don't want advice from me. Do I look like fucking Pai Mei to you? Get advice from kneeling in front of your altar and start meditating, motherfucker. For I get advice from my common sense, not some imaginary motherfucker who sits his ass in clouds all day and dominates your life.
Here's a taste of irony - I had excommunicated the dipshits who are lowest on the food chain.
So for Literature/Language of Pop Music, we had to make an album documenting the music of our life. As in, songs that identify and coincide with key points/events that have happened in our very short, unworthy lives [in chronological order]. And to be pretentious, mine fucking owned everyone's and their mother's. Had to design a cover to go along with it, too.


BACK COVERIt instantly became a class favorite, but the only flaw (in commercial terms) in it is that it cannot be displayed on the bulletin board. (Fucking Caption Obvious right there.) The options are: Only face the back cover out, or don't have it displayed at all. Quite honestly, I don't really give a shit if it is never seen by more than forty people, because it is not my ultimate goal to rub my feces in other people's faces. They can see it if they want; They don't have to.
In other news, I recently applied for a job at Banana Republic. In the same shopping plaza as I currently work in. Even though my job is fucking great, they just don't pay me enough. I don't even get eight bucks an hour like everyone else does, no matter how hard or efficiently (moreso than quite a few other employees) I work. That's just lame, if you ask me. As opposed to other attempts at getting a new job, I'm really going to strive for this one. Man, I could totally use the discount to get myself some new rags. Not as much manual labor, nice fashion and dressing code, you know, the pussy shit.