Sunday, July 23
The NSLC was okay, I was pissed off most of the time; particularly because of my habit of watching human behavior and being disappointed with its mass majority - mass majority of corruption and utter stupidity. But I'll get to all that bullshit later.

Today I picked up an application to work at Mandee. If they hire me for eight bucks an hour, I'll definitely take that job. It's the store on Route 46. The Rockaway Townsquare Mall could kiss my yellow fucking ass. Like I want to see at least 200 fuckers from school every week. No fucking thanks.

Mandee would probably be a better job because I could actually use the discount there. I mean, I'm no sissy motherfucker who likes to change the curtains in my house as often as my mom pays for gas, alright? Changing curtains and ottomans and vases takes more energy and is more of a pain in the ass than changing panties or pants or shirts every day. Fuck furniture. Fuck home decor, man.

Then I went to Lauren's house, where I hadn't laughed my ass off so hard in weeks. I know it is very cliche to like Dane Cook, but admit it, he is funny fucking shit. I have no idea at all why he's popstar-popular and why there's at least a thousand other comedians who are just as funnier (if not more) who aren't the least bit known at all. It's a real shame, and I have no fucking idea why, because there's probably just a handful who are even better looking than Dane, if that's the case.

He's one of my favorites purely because he's funny as hell. I seriously, laugh so fucking hard every time that I watch or hear that motherfucker.

Lauren and I were watching Tourgasm on DirecTV and there was this part where Dane shits in a garbage can on the tourbus and shows Kelly the can full of poop. Bobby is so grossed out that he runs out of the bus and starts puking by a brick wall. Dane follows him out there and kiddingly tells him to puke into the garbage can while he shows it to Bobby's face again. Holy shit, man, my cheeks started to hurt from laughing so much.

She finally got to give me my birthday present, which is The Kids in the Hall Season 1 on DVD. I haven't watched that stuff in about a year or even more, and it's just so fucking random and odd that it's a wonder how so many people could see the humor in it. They are perhaps the only canadians in entertainment that are actually worth something. Fuck Alanis Morrissette and Celine Dion. Fuck them, seriously. Stupid fuckwits can't sing worth a pussy.

Christina N. @ 10:01 PM