Saturday, July 1
Tomorrow I'm going to Boston, but not sure if we're staying overnight. I prefer not to, because you know, my OCD problems and the fear of foreign and unknown bathrooms. Not to mention the 4-hour roadtrip to the city, too. But it'll probably be a grande olde time, because it's fucking Boston, man.
Since it's almost the 4th of July, the damn city is probably going to be packed. I almost got to go see Aerosmith play for free at the Esplanade, but my dad wussed out and said that he needed to rest and stay home on the 4th to go to work the next day. Of course I didn't mention that the oval gets packed before noontime, eight hours before the show starts, and you have to pretty much camp out all day just to get a spot. Everyone still wussed out. Figures.
I'm also a history fanatic, pretty much, so Boston is an ideal place to go.
Today is Debbie's last day at Pier 1 before she starts at Dick's [Sporting Goods]. I think only the two of us are closing tonight, which means trouble and gross conversations will ensue. We were thinking about getting tanked, but it's still a bit risque.