Monday, June 26
So the deal is, both of my folks now work during the day, leaving the kiddies at home to get drunk by themselves (rather, herself) and watch all of the Nip/Tuck DVDs that they could possibly want. Not really, that was just an exaggerated description of what things have been like for a while. Sometimes they call to check up on us, but I prefer when there's not as many beings inside the house or else I go crazy and start throwing temper tantrums.
Then at around sometime before 4:00 in the afternoon, I go to work nowadays until 10:00 at night. We all need money because funds are running low. I bet if my sister were four or five years older, she'd be working too. I've been trying to work five days a week, six hours a day so that I could pay off my National Student Leadership Conference shit, future college crap, and hopefully to get my ass out of here someday before I need to go see a shrink. Oh, and to buy a 1968 Dodge Charger of course.

Damn right, motherfucker.Other than that, I'm glad that my neighbors finally stopped bothering me. Because I know that they'll be asking the same questions all the time and I will always never have answers to them. Jesus fucking Christ, go stalk some other child in that house across the street with too many lawn ornaments. It's either that they got the idea that I'm not a big talker, or that they're afraid of me, or both. I don't really give a flying fuck because we all have houses to shelter ourselves away from other people. It's just that some people don't get that part when they buy a fucking house. I know that's just one side of the story, but even if this is the four hundredth time that I'm going to say this, is that I fucking hate nosy people. You shouldn't stick your nose around in too many places or it's going to stink like an ass.
Dude, just watch me become one of those cranky old ladies sitting on the porch in fifty years squawking at kids playing hockey in the street. But then again, I wouldn't live in a street that has kids who like to play hockey in the street. Because their parents might be just like my neighbors. And before I ever get to the diabetes/crippled arthritis/cancer/Alzheimer's/adult diaper stage, I'm going, man. When I am incapable of taking a shit by myself, it's over.
I saw
this yesterday and laughed my yellow asian ass off because it's a certain Smashing Pumpkins frontman playing basketball with the Beastie Boys.