Thursday, June 29
Ever crack your sternum? I have. It feels, like Tony the Stupid Tiger says, "Grrrrrrrreat!" But I guess for pussies who never crack their joints in the first place, it hurts like hell. Only if I have heartburn while I crack my sternum, that is one nasty situation. Cracking my neck is pretty fantastic, too. Although it probably grosses people out like Gwar or some shit like that.
One thing that I do not like cracking is my nose. God, whenever I try it, and it works, it not only gives me this horrible feeling in the cartilage inside, but it vibrates all the way to the back of my head, and probably even reaches somewhere into my jaw and I could feel it in my teeth. Now
that shit is gross. Plus, every time that I try it, I keep thinking that my nose would turn into something like Jeordie White's. I mean, it looks good on him, but not on a chick.
It seems as though every day that I don't work, it's a day that is absolutely pointless. Since both of my folks are working again, I still can't fucking go out because I have to stay home and watch that other person who can't, for her capable age, take care of herself. It's such a goddamn shame for me, because I'm just laying around, rotting. Pretty much every day, in the afternoon, instead of getting swamp ass or getting stuck to the leather sofas, I lay on the cold floor and just watch TV.
But not technically TV, I just watch my extremely small collection of DVDs over and over and fucking over. More like the same two Smashing Pumpkins ones, but that's an even more sad story, when you wake up in the morning just to watch that crap all the time. Because you know, my dad isn't exactly a sugar daddy and my mom isn't necessarily a pixie mommy; Or whatever the fuck you're supposed to call your parents who throw money at you like confetti.
Somebody please tell my why the fuck Gambit isn't in any of the X-Men movies? Amy is telling that it is simply because the director doesn't fucking like him. Well suck it up, shithead. What about the other ten million motherfuckers that are going to watch the movie? Do they all hate Gambit too? I'll bet my fucking arm they don't. So that asshole better lend his fucking arm over to me because I don't think the entire world is a Gambit-hater either. Fuck you, you fucking dolt.

Where's Waldo?