Wednesday, June 21
Orange juice has a lot of fiber in it, and it makes you want to crap. That is my current feeling right now. Fuck laxatives, drink orange juice.
Jesus fucking Christ, people are fucking breaking my heart here. Like any bored fucker does, they go and read product reviews over at And then there's the part where I wish I had more money to buy all the shit on there. Like the entire Smashing Pumpkins catalog. I know I already have most of it but I'd like to have the real thing and not just a simple file or couple hundred on my computer.
These Amazonians are criticizing what I deem to be the most beautiful song I have ever heard - "Cupid de Locke." Just because it's "different" and you don't fucking get it doesn't mean that it's a failure for the band and that it sucks. Shut the fuck up don't comment on me saying that you hate it too. YOU'RE DEAD TO ME. I forgot who made that phrase famous.
Master of moodswings? Yeah. If I could, I'd cut my open the side of my own head with a scalpel while sitting next to a mirror and cut off my pituitary gland for just two seconds so that I wouldn't be so angry.
Today was literally, the last day of school. I just had to take the history final, which was only two hours long and then walked home without saying goodbye to anyone because they could just kiss my ass and wander around that place for a few more hours if they have the closed mind enough to. It took me exactly two hours to finish that goddamn final and I was the last one to finish. Whatever, man. I like my history and I prefer for that shit to be correct. My classmates were being absolute dipshits, though. A couple were buzzed on caffeine and the others were just plain full of shit. I've never heard such stupid things come out of people's mouths while sober.
Hmmm so what does summer mean? Say what? Turn my life around and get it back on track? Alright, so here's my list of goals and shit to do:
1. nothing
2. nothing
3. nothing
4. nothing
5. nothing
That's right, fuck you, over-achievers.