Tuesday, May 23
So this hype surrounding The Da Vinci Code. People need to shove it up their ass and stop pushing it down on me to watch the movie and read the book because come on, considering my level of asshole do you really think I'm going to listen to you despite all this time that I spend sitting in my room doing nothing? No. Do the fucking logic.

But, I do like Tom Hanks and the movie looks good and to save myself from having my head karate chopped off by my monstrous asian mother, I might go see it for extra credit in english class. I'd probably end up not going out to see it; the answer is in the previous paragraph.

I admit it, I'm one of those types who after coming home from wherever the fuck they were, just sits in their room in front of the computer and reads works by Voltaire for about six hours a day. Used to be eight hours but my mother got so pissed off and threatened to take away my computer and my phone so I jumped the bar a little. Just a little, though. Guess how thick my cranium is and win a prize.

I also have a LiveJournal and the following crap is about LiveJournal friends. Just thought I'd share.

And now concerning this stupid LiveJournal bullshit. To be honest, I only started this thing because I wanted to keep in touch with a number of my friends, until I got bored and started actually using it [in addition to Blogger]. This isn't even recent - I've noticed for quite a while now - me and a couple close others have noticed that some folks on my friends list are trying to emulate my writing style. I don't think anyone ever knew this, because it just pisses me off so much that I never mention it, that when somebody copies me in any way shape or form it's like ticking off Axl Rose's thermometer. I'll pull a fucking Tommy Hilfiger on you.

That's right, using the same formatting for your entries, music, mood, italicizing and quoting certain mechanical structures, and spacing and centering pictures with just as much precision as I do. Imitating my language and suddenly taking interest in certain things that I happen to talk about, or taking notice of shit that obviously came out of my mouth at first. Jesus fucking Christ, I'm OCD. That's why I like perfect grammar and don't do sleepovers, fucking Webster.

Am I that much of a fucking role model to you? Am I that much of a fucking role model to you? If there is anyone to look up to, it definitely isn't me. (So are the Rolling Stones, you don't want to be like them. Are they cool? Yeah, sure, of course they are - they're the fucking Stones. But just take at Keith Richards' current state. Wanna be like him?) It's your goddamn journal. Remember what the term "journal" means. It's just you; the bare you. Write the raw shit that goes on in your mind without acknowledging or even thinking about the possibility of someone else reading it. That what a journal or diary or blog or whatever the hell you use is. If you're copying me, you know who you are and just keep this in mind the next time you write a LiveJournal entry and propose your lame attempt at impressing whoever it is that you are trying to attempt; because it ain't fucking working.

The reason that I prefer not to make this piece of crap "friends only" is that I'm not hiding anything and everyone has the right to enjoy my shit. No one wants to be that menstruating bitch with the enlarged tampon up her ass who filters out the "chosen" ones. I would never do a friends cut either because of that same reason, but I'm thinking about changing my mind because a handful of idiots just ruined it for the party. I know I never comment like a good buddy should, but I read; I pay attention and that's at least consideration. The more, the merrier, man. Even if I did do a cut, you're still welcome to read. I just don't want to see or even hear about your mimicry from that point on again. Because apparently one of the biggest "in" things that have been going on is pointing out posers. Well just look at your fucking self.

So the moral of this story is: Don't be a fucking mime, n00b.

Christina N. @ 6:00 PM