Monday, May 29
Today was so overly boring, and since I was born into the asian heritage therefore being born under predominantly asian house rules, I was not allowed to go anywhere outside of the house with the exception of walking around our dead plants and/or getting the mail. So after listening to pretty much every single piece of shit on my computer, it all came down to one last song - "Separate Ways" by Journey. I'm going to hell for that one.

No wait, I go to hell if I diss the Beatles. Well I'm fucking going to hell anyway so I would just like to declare once again that they bore the life out of me and are annoying shit. Lucifer, you've got your next victim right here. But it should really be the hardcore Beatle lover that goes to hell because they probably wouldn't understand my abbhorrance of the Beatles even if I understand why they like the crap that they like in the first place.

Musically, the Beatles aren't bad. But for some reason they just bring this unescapable feeling of pain and discomfort into my body whenever I listen to them. It's like that annoying dripping of water on your roof. Or the chinese water torture treatment. It just keeps nagging at your brain like a fucking prick.

And what's with this pitiful and constant comparison with them and the Rolling Stones? They have absolutely nothing in common, except both being the biggest bands of the '60s and that they both pretty much arrived on the scene in '62. That's it, end of fucking list. Hey, at least the Stones have more surviving members. OUCH! Pat Morita, AKA Mr. Miyagi is dead. Of course I'm sad about that too.

There's also this bullshit hailing the Beatles as "the greatest band of all time." There's no such thing. If they were the greatest, then literally, everybody would think that they were the best musicians and songwriters of all fucking time. Of all fucking time? No fucking way. Would I say that Led Zeppelin was the greatest band of all time? I seriously would like to say so, but according to about 6 billion other people on this earth, they would say, "No fucking way."

What I don't understand about myself is, in my sole personal opinion, I think Led Zeppelin is the greatest band of all time, although not my favorite. Musically they were fucking gods. They played their instruments like no other. Individually they were the best out of all the others in their fields. There's those who say John Bonham was the best drummer of all time; Jimmy Page was the best guitarist of all time; Robert Plant was the best frontman/vocalist of all time. No one talks about John Paul Jones as much as he deserves to be talked about, but he genuinely is one of my favorite bass players, man. Put all of these amazing virtuosos together and you've got one fucking hell of a thundering machine from the heavens. Never could I "get so into the music" as to when listening to Zeppelin. Their talent is just so undeniably mind-blowing that I can't even describe to you enough how amazing they are. Yeah, they really blow my mind; as in give it a blow job.

My favorite band? Anthrax. That's what I don't get - my favorite band and the band that I think is the greatest in history are not one and the same. Then again, I probably do get it, but just can't spell it out clearly. Whatever, it doesn't fucking matter at all to officially declare your favorites and highest-rateds; because there is always the opposing party who thinks the absolute opposite, and usually with good reason.

I am so bored, that I'm just rambling about shit that would piss everybody off because that's my job. Guess why my mom is as crazy as she is.

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Christina N. @ 9:28 PM