Thursday, May 18
This is for Shaina whenever she gets the chance. It's some real funny shit. Trying to cheer you up, dear. I don't care if you've seen it already, but dude, I think Jeordie White was talking about how Billy Corgan and Mel Gibson did a re-make of Over the Top and I laughed my ass off. You know, that fucking awesome Sylvester Stallone movie where he wins an arm wrestling contest and wins a new truck for him and his son to travel in; it's truly the American dream. And James Iha says this shit on how he'd like to rent a wombat. Funny shit, man.
"It often happens that I wake up at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the Pope about it. Then I wake up completely and remember that I am the Pope."
- Pope John XXIII
My favorite thing to do during my spare time is skinning my neighbors' pet pomeranians and trading their fur to crack dealers in Newark.