Wednesday, May 10
I would like to make it clear that: ska sucks. Jesus Christ, I seriously cannot stand that shit. I first heard a ska song in middle school when one of my friends really wanted me to listen to a song by Catch-22 because she said it was really cute and my name was in the title. I agreed to listen because
Catch-22 is a damn good book. At that time, I had never heard of ska much less know what the fuck it was. Well, when I listened to the song, I literally just sat there with a thousand question marks floating around in my head wondering, "What the fuck is this?"
It wasn't even a negative disliking towards the music yet, I was just genuinely confused. Go ahead, kids, listen to it. I forgot the fucking title of it except for the Kristina part so if you're real smart, or if you just happen to like Catch-22, you'll know what song I'm talking about.
Catch-22, you fucking disgraced the book. But who knows, I'm probably talking bullshit because maybe they didn't get their name from the book. Then again they probably did, because I don't think there was ever such a thing as a "catch-22," but Joseph Heller just chose to call his book "Catch-22" because he really wanted to use the term "catch-18," but there was already some other book with that title. Shit, I totally forgot; whether there really is such a thing as a catch-22 or if Joseph Heller just made it up because some other fucker took Catch-18. I think some people use the term "catch-22" in conversation sometimes because maybe that pop culture term derived from the book but it really means catch-18. Who fucking knows.
Today I bought a bottle of lemon tea Vitamin Water, and I really regret it because I should've thrown the idea of trying out a new flavor into the fucking garbage and bought a flavor that I already know tastes decent - kiwi-strawberry. Lemon tea tastes like fucking honey-lemon Ricola cough drops and if Vitamin Water was trying to emulate the brilliant creation known as Nestea, then they might as well set fire to the entire goddamn Vitamin Water factory because they just stained lemon tea's perfect reputation.

Fucker.Speaking of other things that piss me off, check out how the weather is supposedly going to be for the next ten days:

What the fuck is this? This isn't fucking Scandinavia or some shit. Just watch, it's false and we'll get ten straight days of sunshine. I wouldn't be surprised. Fuck you, Weather Channel, and your increase of asian meteorologists. We clearly suck at detecting the weather. If we were any good at it, our hair wouldn't have burnt into black and we wouldn't be yellow from all the heat and sun. Yeah, I know I'm lame.