Friday, May 19
Uhhh...there was a groundhog in my backyard a few days ago. Along with a chipmunk, at the same fucking time, man. Just thirty fucking feet apart from each other. There was even a motherfucking squirrel. I was going nuts. Pun intended.

It looks like a beaver.

Motherfucker looks like a diseased and rotting mini-watermelon.

Fatass could actually stand up.Shaina's doing better and should be out of that hospital soon. A shitload has just been lifted off of my shoulders.
Tomorrow I have to go to work at 11:00 in the morning and I think I'm working with my junkie buddy again. He better be there, otherwise that shit is going to be boring as hell. And then when I get out at 4:00, I'll be heading to a show, man. Fuck yeah.
Today in history we watched this documentary on Richard Nixon, and when they talked about him proposing to his wife on the first day that they met, this dipshit sitting next to me starts laughing. Dude how the fuck is that funny? I don't have much of an opinion on Richard Nixon, but I do know that such a thing as that isn't something to laugh your ass off about. Not that it's serious or anything either. She just needs to shut the fuck up. I've talked about this chick before and she always laughs at the dumbest fucking things - loudly and obnoxiously. Yeah, remember that Scooby Doo "RHUT RHE RUCK RUP!" picture? That's for her. Jesus fucking Christ.
I swear, two more times and I'm turning around to tell her to shove her fucking vocal chords up her ass and make her take a laxative. Nobody can take it anymore. She even laughed at some parts of the Vietnam War. I'm Vietnamese, and it's probable that I take that shit seriously, but the moral thing is that it is still
not a laughing situation at all.