Friday, April 14
Tonight I closed the store with my two favorite people: a 48-year-old past druggie who is friends with a crack smoker who used to own a strip club, and an 18-year-old who's a junkie beyond belief. While the manager was locked up in the office counting up the day's profits, my friend and I were drinking some shit that he brought into the break room. It was some good stuff and some good times, man. He showed me his pipe that he made out of tin foil and I laughed my ass off because it was the most pathetic and hilarious thing I had ever seen.

He then yelled through the office door at the manager, asking if he could go out back behind the store and smoke his stuff. She said no for some reason; considering she let him do it last Friday and he came back totally fucked up and we all just laughed at him. However, she did let him smoke his Camels out in front of the store. So we just hung out there and stared at this amazing red Delorean-like-car-without-the-vagina-doors that was parked in front of us. And then he showed me more weed that was stashed in his pocket. I think it was strawberry-flavored this time, or could've been the drink that he brought that was strawberry but whatever.

My spring break has gone by pretty fast and I'm afraid when I go back to school on Monday, I will not be in a good mood. Jesus Christ, fuck that shit. B days piss me off. So does Panic! at the Disco and other shitsome bands like that who think having an exclamation point in their name automatically makes them talented. Same thing with any band that has some sort of a pathetic, purposeful grammatical error in their name. Such as:

hellogoodbye - Can't fucking use the space bar, nor the Shift button.
kthxbai - I know this isn't a band but it's still fucking retarded.
eyehategod - eyedontknow
Led Zeppelin - They don't count. Period. End of story.

I can't think of anymore right now but there's probably four or five more obvious ones.

Christina N. @ 10:35 PM