Saturday, April 15
My hands fucking smell like oranges because I just ate like ten clementines. I never knew that they were one of the greatest wonders of the world; fucking serious, man. After work, my mom drove us to Apple Farm, this organic produce store. They were selling bags of clementines and since they looked really cute and for years I've been hearing people talk about how great they are, so much so that they never shut the fuck up, I got her to buy a bag. Six bucks for like twenty or thirty of them, yowza.

So it kind of sucks balls that I won't be working (and closing) next Friday with my two favorite people. Turns out this new girl is staying until eight, though. My new stoner friend said that I should come anyway and just hang around, then he'd drive me home afterwards. I don't know, if I don't get back my Fridays in a couple of weeks, I'm complaining. I want my fucking dollahs.

Christina N. @ 5:46 PM