Wednesday, April 19

I just have to say that I cannot stop laughing at how James Iha looks like the typical happy pants japanese cartoon character, with the mail-slot eyes and shit. It's the funniest to me because I'm fucking asian too and I totally relate to it. Whenever it's too bright to see, my eyes shrink to nothing but mere lines, therefore rendering me partially blind. That's why whenever it's bright, I walk with my head down or else I can't see anything. So you say you want to be asian? I think not. Keep this advice in mind because if you're really willing to sacrifice 50% of your vision, then I guess, go ahead and pull a Michael Jackson.
When I was a kid and my parents and I would be sitting in a car driving somewhere and it was too goddamn sunny while I was looking out the window, my mom once asked me, "Christina, are you sleepy?"
That's how bad it is. And in case you don't know what typical japanese happy pappy face I'm talking about, it looks much like this:

I'm in the National Art Honor Society, can't you tell?
Speaking of japanese silliness, I got the most fucking amazing desktop ever.