Monday, April 24
If Business Management wasn't already shitty, it just got worse. The teacher asked if anbody knew what the first video that was ever aired on MTV was, and since the answer is "Video Killed the Radio Star," of course I thought about the song, and therefore played it over in my head. That song is the catchiest song ever to have been written in musical history; I'm fucking serious. The song fucking sucks too so it's a double bad. Three hours ago the teacher mentioned it. It's still in my goddamn head despite the fact that I'm listening to something else.
Oh, and my iPod might be on the brink of expiration. It kept freezing today and wouldn't turn off, so it just stayed on without playing any music so it was heating up like a vibrator until it ran out of battery power. I've been hearing about this myth where your iPod only works up to a point (about a year or two or so), and then you have to send it to California or some shit so that they could replace the battery. Or just bring it to an Apple store and supposedly they will fix it for you. That pisses me off, but the thing is, I don't think your songs will still be on there by the time you get your iPod back. My friend is on her second or third iPod (second or third provided free by the store) and every time that she got it fixed, all of her songs were gone.
If my computer weren't such an old piece of shit I shouldn't be worried about this, because my computer lacks sufficient space to hold all of my songs in so every so often I would have to delete a chunk of my music collection off of the computer, so their only remaining place is inside the iPod. So I'm basically fucked, man. I better find out how take songs off of my iPod and put them into another (and more fucking dependable) computer. Bitch, I can't lose all of my Rolling Stones. That's like watching your children falling down a well.
It's amazing how Sean Penn started out as this:

And now has absolutely no sense of humor.

But then again, I don't think he ever did. He's just a good actor. He never was a typical stoner. Come on, he fucking pulled out a pistol on his wedding day (with Madonna) and shot at a paparazzi chopper that was about 500(???) feet up in the air. He has no sense of humor. Never did, never will. Even if I like to piss people off for fun, I wouldn't go near that man. He'd probably gouge my eyes out with his tongue because that damn thing is so strong, he can't even speak correctly. Have you ever noticed that Sean Penn has some sort of a weird lisp? Normally I wouldn't take someone seriously if they had a lisp (Cindy Brady you're a fucking retard), but I'd take Sean Penn seriously. He's the shit.
I'm just kidding, just because someone has a lisp doesn't mean they're as dumb as the way they talk. But Cindy Brady is still lame.

That's right, bitch. Be gone!