Monday, April 3
Did I ever tell you that Martha Stewart's new show fucking sucks? Stop when you can, you fucking can't host a show the right way. Nobody knows if you have eyes or not, and your voice is more bland than fucking celery, man. And yeah, I hate celery too because I don't like to eat grass. Let alone sourly bitter grass. Not even with peanut butter. Celery sucks. Period.
Whatever happened to Martha Stewart Everyday, on every weekday morning? Now that show kicked ass. She baked cookies and did cute little arts and crafts in her cute little kitchen with the pastel-colored bowls and shit, without the unnecessary applause about nothing worth a piece of shit at all. It was awesome, despite the fact that it wasn't really every day. Or at least I remember it was on weekdays. I'm probably totally incorrect and the show really was on every day.
There's another thing added onto my To-Do List; When I get a car, I'm going to drive it into a cow pasture and just start tipping cows. Just slightly bumping into them with my front bumper and watching them fall over and moo for help. It's a new sport that's even less active than Nascar.
This weekend before spring break, my family and I are going to Washington DC to see the cherry blossoms. It would be nice for the first fifteen minutes, but after that I'd be fucking absolutely sick of it. So the five-hour drive would be pretty much pointless, except for new restaurants to eat at.