Tuesday, April 18
I would just like to take a moment and say that Shaina fucking
pwns! and I will be very sad when she leaves. Kudos to you, girl. I don't know what I'd do without you. Just keep in mind that you are not what I consider an "expendable friend." I can see us sixty years from now sitting on a white-washed porch wearing raggy metalhead t-shirts and reminiscing on old times while sipping brooskies out of straws because by then we'd have eaten so many special brownies together that all of our teeth are gone but our livers haven't left us yet like a true friend should. Everyone, you should also take this time to thank your liver for having to put up with all the bullshit that you eat and drink. Especially you, Duff McKagan.
Shaina I care about you so much I can't even say.
I swear we shall meet over the rainbow and become very close. This is how close we will be.