Sunday, April 23
Once again, I've failed in the self-control department. I bought a new bag.
I currently have eleven bags and it's probably not a lot compared to a lot of people but it is to me. If I keep up this habit, by the end of the year I'd have around forty or sixty. Dude, it was originally $78 at the Gap but they downed it to only around $26. How could you resist? You can't.
After a long and slow, lonesome day at work, I went with my mom and sister to the goddamn Rockaway Townsquare Mall. I fucking despise that mall and wanted to go someplace else but that woman said she's too lazy and doesn't have time to go to Willowbrook. For some reason it was extremely crowded today, and of course it had its fair share of teeny boppers and mall goths. Pretty fucking horrible. The people there suck balls and the stores lack sufficient quantities.
However, I did meet one nice person. If you live around here you've obviously been to Zumiez before and probably know how nice the employees are. Well one really bangin guy said hi to me and started asking if I needed help, but he totally dug me, man. He was wearing a Slayer t-shirt but that's okay. He even said goodbye to me after just browsing and walking around in one section without buying anything with the nicest and sincere smile ever. I swear that dude was totally digging this piece of asian.
We ate at McDonald's and I did not see John 5 there. Shaaaaame.
Then it was off to Borders where I got a boring fucking fat ass book for SAT help and a stunning book with a lot of Voltaire's writings in it. It's good shit, he's a crazy motherfucker, that man. I like it. The library never carries his books because they're too considered too controversial, and I finally found a copy. Which is lame, because there's tons of new stuff out there being issued into the stupid library that is way more far out and freaky than what he says. I'm just talking out of my ass I haven't even read enough of his writing yet to state a complete opinion on it.
I also discovered the lamest book ever written in the history of literature:

If it were about $3, then I would've purchased it just for shits and giggles. Let's see what celebrities have said about it according to
"He's one of the sexiest men I've ever seen."
Jennifer Lopez"Michael Flatley has a lifestyle to envy."
- Hugh Hefner"We are very grateful that there are people like him in the world."
- Nelson Mandela"If he wants to make movies, I'll co-star with him."
- Angelina Jolie