Wednesday, March 8

That, my friend, is some funny shit. It's real too, I ain't shittin' ya.
This week I've been forced to take the HSPA, one of those huge wastes of time that they call "standardized tests." It's been pissing me off so much lately, along with the fact that unlike seniors and freshman I can't wake up late and eat breakfast, that I think my eyebrows are going to permanently stay arched for quite a while. There was this stupid fucking persuasive writing thing today, and us having to write a letter to the imaginary editor of the imaginary school newspaper on whether we support or don't support the imaginary school board's imaginary decision to ban students wearing slippers and sleepwear to school. Like I give a fuck? If I actually paid attention to the student body then I'd give a fuck. I wrote one paragraph out of the four pages that was provided and then proceeded to write a two-page letter to whoever the fuck that would be grading my test on why the HSPA is full of shit.
For some reason, my work schedule has drastically changed and says that on Saturday, instead of working in the morning to mid-afternoon, I'm working from 3:30 to 10:00 at night. Which means I'm closing. Goddamn that shit I'd probably have bathroom duty too. The last time, which was also my first and only time that I did the bathrooms, I rolled my pants up because they are just fucking gross. The men's bathroom had piss on the floor. In front of the urinal. Talk about stupid. If they could write their name in the snow with piss, why not be able to aim into a fucking porcelain waterfall machine? But then again, if us girls could sit on the crapper for a week reading Victoria's Secret catalogs, why do we need tampons?
It's questions like that that Socrates is dead.