Tuesday, March 21
The other day my mother gave me a bowl of strawberries to eat. On the top of the pile of strawberries was a mutant triplet strawberry. Scared the hell out of me. Click on the pictures for the bigger size so that you could justify if I'm lying or not. This shit is for real.

Yesterday I was reading
Weird NJ and man, is that shit fucked up. There's supposedly a "Satan's Chapel" somewhere in this town called Rockaway I live in. There was a picture of it and it looked abandoned and had a pentagram painted on the door. I'd like to find that damn devil shack and see what it's really about. I asked a few of my friends if they heard or knew about it and no one knew. Damn. There's also this really fucked up road called Clinton Rd. and I asked my mom if she'd ever driven down it. She said, "Which one? There's one in practically every town." and I said, "I think it's near Clifton or something, it's some sort of a back road." She said no, she'd never driven down that one. By the way she looked, it looked like we were going to venture down that road someday and probably run into some Klan members or something and be burned at the stake. Or maybe we'd just drive down it really really goddamn fast; Taking the SUV, of course.
It's actually West Milford in Passaic County. About forty-five minutes away I'm guessing. Or thirty at the least. I drive to shopping malls even farther than that shit.
But better yet, I'd gather up about eight of my non-pussy friends and check out every fucked up place in New Jersey in this vehicle:

I'm a fucking coward, but yet I'm so curious at the same time. That explains the big fucking car.
Speaking of going out, on Saturday after work I'm going to see my friend's band play in Denville. That show is going to kick major ass.

Yeah, booooyeeeeeeeee!