Thursday, March 16
My mom asked me how was school today and if I had anything to curse about. Surprisingly, nothing came to mind. I didn't feel like bitching either. Progress? Nah, just too much sunshine.

I keep getting this college shit in the mail from universities and crap all over the place. Today when a booklet from an all women's college came. I saw on the cover that it was quite the pretty looking campus and considered going there because it looks fancy and I'm shallow. Then I noticed that there was nothing but chicks and most likely dykes in all of the pictures. No thank you. Half of college is for learning. The other half is for boning and boning is not possible if the pieces don't fit together.

I sit next to a dyke in history class and that bitch's voice is higher than Keith Richards. One of the biggest fucking losers ever. I once told her to shut the fuck up and she did.

Christina N. @ 5:43 PM