Thursday, March 30
That creepy junkie from work won't stop following me around. Yeah, the one who I thought was bangin at first but then thought again and my opinion is now: "What the fuck was I thinking?" I swear, it was the glare from the windows and that the shopping complex shouldn't have been built facing the sun. I never heard again from the absolutely gorgeous dude who applied, which gives me more of a reason to be disappointed than your average Senses Fail-listener, wrist-slitting moron. Sure, Shaina has told me that some folks when they're high, tend to follow another person around in desperation of trying to look normal. But dude, this guy always fucking follows me around no matter how many other people are working, no matter how many customers need help, no matter how many other employees there are for him to follow. For example, one time I told him that I was thirsty and was going into the break room for a drink. Seconds later in the break room, I turn around after taking a sip of water, only to see that he had followed me in there to say something pointless. And seriously, he cannot be high every goddamn time that he comes to work. He's obviously got a boner for me in some way. No thanks. You're fucking creepy as hell.
Added to the fact that he keeps finding me to talk to me, with that scary dry personality of his. It's not even the cool monotone voice and personality that Tommy Chong has. I know, Tommy Chong is a bad example but you know I meant a cool stoner. I really can't think of one right now. And this dude can't even dress himself. His mother still buys all of his clothing even at the age of eighteen and seriously needs to update the hairstyle. Then, I'd probably find him better looking.
Yeah, I'm superficial. But aren't all of us? Otherwise we'd never be having relationships because nothing would be appealing to us, therefore not approaching other human beings as much. No social groups, etc. would exist.
I hope the guy never comes around to asking for my number or to hang out or anything. If at all, I'm more uncomfortable coming to work now because since our schedules are unusually similar, I'd always have to talk to him.
The thing about wearing long shirts and tunics is that when you're walking, it gets caught in your crotch. I don't like that feeling. I bet it even happens with certain dresses, but I haven't experienced that as much because dresses ain't my thing. Dresses in this day and age are way too risque. Oh, and since I'm a professional Olympic speedwalker, wearing a dress wouldn't exactly fit with that style of transportation. Especially with a lycra skirt or dress; Jesus Christ, that's boa constriction right there. No wonder Kelly Bundy always had her boyfriends driving her all over the place.