Tuesday, February 14
There was this kid in my sociology class who had a copy of The Satanic Bible on his desk. For now I will never feel safe around that kid again. Not that I ever did, for he is one hell of a fucking nutcase. After all, he was once suspended in middle school for having a hit list in his locker or something. I mean, reading The Satanic Bible for a good fucking laugh I understand, but if you take it seriously like a dumbass, then you've got issues. And I definitely know that kid isn't the type to take The Satanic Bible lightly. Who knows, he's probably read
Mein Kampf about five times already.
I think today is a good day to go shopping. Is my family materialistic? Very so. We live the American Dream right up Uncle Sam's own faggy ass. Four bedroom house, three cars, two parents, two kids, $7000 imported Danish leather sofas, six television sets, garden lighting - fucking crazy. My folks just ordered an SUV and these two new white sofas from some fancy shmancy store called Bo Concept and I'm thinking, "Holy shit what the fuck you're preparing us for horrible karma!" Or at least me. The bad always comes from the good for me. Al Bundy knows how I feel. Win the lottery? Lose an arm two days later.