Thursday, February 23
I'm sitting in my room until all of a sudden I hear this absolutely horrible cover by some fucktard of a "singer" singing Wham!'s "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go." It lasted for like seven fucking minutes more than it should. And then an even worse cover of "Thriller" was being heard from the living room. I was thinking they were some shitheads from American Idol, but then heard people talking about dancing. And then I found out it was my mom watching Dancing With the Stars. Man, I thought Axl Rose could get away with not singing and calling it five studio albums. I'm not saying six because
Chinese Democracy is just pig noises.
Searched for
Double Live Gonzo! on and the cheapest used one is $12.50. I am pissed alright, but I do understand how attached one can be to such a glory.
Not really. Fork it over, dipshit.

Oh how I love Anthrax. Ha. Ha. Ha.

And please tell me why a bobcat has decided to hibernate on Axl Rose's head???