Wednesday, February 15
When the lord created people, I am highly disappointed in his decision to create dumbass motherfuckers. There's this girl who's going around saying that she and I are best friends. Bitch, I barely talk to you. But that's how life is; Eat a fucking donut, masturbate and go to sleep and fucking forget about it. And when the stressor comes back, either ignore it or kick it in the fucking face with a Dick Cheney. Because we all know he'll shoot you.

One of the worst breeds of people, the worst being religious numbnuts or emo no-nuts, are the ones who despite you telling in their face that they're a fucking moron, still bother and hang around you to no end. It's the obliviousness to everything around you that makes you a pathetic piece of shit. Wake up, smell the fucking coffee and take notice that everyone would rather eat 1940s german blood sausage with diced mangoes rather than be homedawgs with you.

Nicole Richie. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Christina N. @ 5:44 PM