Friday, February 3
If I had gone to school today, I think my head would've exploded. Or maybe just have a hole fucking leaking from the side, so I could slowly watch my blood and brain fluid flow out of my head like a tranquility fountain. I have a nasty flu and it seems to have built up all its fucking virus soldiers into my head. My mom made me go to the bank with her today despite my bad condition, and it was just plain fucking hard to keep my head up. I looked like a fucking dolt.

Yesterday was manageable, but after I got home from a small bit of shopping, it was goddamn overkill time. Everything just seemed to shut down - right after I had accepted a call to work today at 4:30 to closing. Jesus fucking Christ. And then I have to work tomorrow morning, then two hours after working, must go to the dentist and have my wisdom teeth removed. Before I know it I'll be the size of half a Kate Moss and addicted to painkillers like a motherfucker. Also known as dead.

The good thing is, all of this is keeping my appetite under control. It's 1:30 right now and I haven't had an urge to eat anything at all. It's a bad thing to say, but when you see a fucker like me eat, it's like watching a mosquito doubling its size with its preferred delicacy.

Christina N. @ 1:29 PM