Saturday, February 25
I was just at Blockbuster and saw this asian chick that looked really, really familiar. I fucking swore I met her somewhere but half of her face was covered with hair so I wasn't positive. But then again, it could've just been any asian girl because they all look the same. The only difference I bear from them is that I stand above them like a palm tree.
My mom kept picking up all these shitty chinese and japanese movies. For me, once I see that horrible "trendy" pose by the "actors" on the cover, the movie will suck 800 times the suckage that you see on the cover. I know I'm horrible to my type but we really do suck. Except in matters of cuisine and hair texture.
I wanted to see this new Kevin Bacon movie,
The Woodsman, but my mom for some reason doesn't like the dude at all and refused to even look at the box. Come on, he fucking has bacon in his name - of course he's awesome. I ate one of his relatives in a McDonald's breakfast sandwich this morning; it was nothing short of scrumdiddlyumptious.
Oh shit, did I just use a word that was invented by five gay men playing Chutes & Ladders in a pink-painted basement thirty years ago? I'm sorry. I meant "delicious."