Thursday, February 16
I'm a cheap fucking bastard. Two of my friends wanted me to come to the library and help them with biology. Yeah, I sort of pretty much helped and tutored as I was supposed to, but then at the same time checked out CDs because FYE and pretty much any other corporate bullshitter sells music for way too much. And then I had to pay two bucks for a new library card because somebody stole my wallet a couple weeks ago. When checking out the CDs and a John Grisham book, I had a fucking three-dollar late fee from sometime century before to pay off. I think the highest late fee that I have ever had to pay was around $11. Irresponsibility, man. Libraries are free and when you don't take advantage of that, you really do have to pay. Yeah so I took out:
Coverdale-Page - Jimmy Page and David "Whitesnake Sucks" Coverdale
Full Moon Fever - Tom Petty
Bridges to Babylon - The Rolling Stones
All the other Stones CDs they had were compilations. No thank you.
Van Halen Live: Right Here, Right Now - Who the fuck do you think?
Sort of a regret, because it's a Van Hagar freak's gem. But the sound quality is amazing.
The Brethren - John Grisham
I recognized his talent as a writer when my english class is currently reading
The Street Lawyer and we're almost done with it. Next week is winter break and I fucking need something to do if Pier 1 Imports still considers me as a shitty sales associate, which I don't deny.
Very noticeable in the township library's music collection was that there was a shitload of Ace of Base, Michael Bolton, and ABBA. That is not very impressive. For some reason whenever I think of Ace of Base these images come to mind:

Gay in every aspect of the word.