Tuesday, February 21
While dusting my sister's computer desk, I found the new CD that she had bought yesterday. It was Panic! at the Disco. I wasn't going to bash her for it, because she's only eleven years old. And if I did, I'd probably get the shit kicked out of me by my much shorter and louder and bug-eyed mother. Believe it, I would. If it weren't her CD and it was someone else's who I have no idea, I'd have chucked it out the window and have it smashed against that ugly fucking lawn knome that resides in the yard across the street.
Yesterday went to Short Hills simply for the fact that I could afford it now. Save money for college? Fuck college; I'm asian, colleges rain down on us with scholarships.
This totally fucking bangin guy applied at Pier 1 on Saturday. I hope to fucking god he gets hired, man. For selfish reasons, of course. One of my assistant managers and I were chit-chatting and I told her about the guy. She started laughing her ass off and promised to keep a note of it. He'd most likely get hired, because our current stockroom coordinator, despite being a cool guy, basically sucks, I heard. I don't know, I guess it's because he is one hell of a bitchy gay man and gets into little disputes easily. We're tight though - he makes asian jokes about me and I make spick jokes about him. It's all good.