Sunday, February 12
Mother nature proved me wrong. There's enough snow on the ground to drown most of my relatives. The bad part is, I can't come into work today. One of my assistant managers called me, for the second time today, and said that the store manager still hasn't called her back about what's going on and who's supposed to come in for work or not. Goddamn.

I lost five pounds last week and gained it all back in two days. What the fuck? No one could tell because my face was still swollen as though there was an onion implanted into my right cheek. The left one could just go fuck itself.

Can't remember which day this was, but I was watching a rerun of the red carpet for the Grammys and this shit truck of a band called Jars of Clay was being interviewed by a shithead of a TV personality named Giuliana(sp?) and she asked what music genre they played. One of the guys answered, "Rock with a conscience." That's just as oxymoronical and full of shit as Stryper. And yes, I am aware that "oxymoronical" isn't really a word.

I bet not even Paris Hilton would touch that.

Christina N. @ 3:35 PM