Friday, January 27
Every time that I listen to Soundgarden, I remember some commentary show and some guy saying that they are the modern-day Led Zeppelin. That is the quintessential "WTF?" moment. Take that, Gilbert Gottfried.
CigaretteStub: hi
Whip it GOOD05: hey
Whip it GOOD05: still grounded if you're wondering
CigaretteStub: whore
Whip it GOOD05: ha
Whip it GOOD05: gotcha
CigaretteStub: wanna hang out
Whip it GOOD05: what did i just say
Another "WTF?" moment right there for ya.
My bad luck streak has finally, finally, finally fucking ended. On Tuesday, actually. And I have to say, it was probably the worst fucking week of my life. Maybe I should pull a Jason Lee and try to turn my karma around from now on, without turning into a pussy.
Well it's Friday, so it is the day of my traditional Grounded Friday Movie Night. I think I'll be watching
Natural Born Killers again, while I wait to be un-fucking-grounded and go out and purchase
They Live. Oh man, that movie kicked so much ass that even Chuck Norris would be on his knees begging for "'ore."
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum."That guy fucking owns your pansy little ass. Partially because his name is is Nada. He is too cool to have a name. He once probably did have a name, but kicked its ass so hard that it died.
Tuesday after school I have to go back to the gynecologist because my birth control prescription expired. When I went to get a refill not too long ago and the pharmacist told me that it had expired, man was I shocked. Already? My baby-vulnerability days are back in action. To you wannabe fathers, get it while it's hot. I really hope I don't get poked around and shit, nobody likes that. Unless you're a metalliac, someone who likes to fuck metallic objects.
Today was the last day of my criminology course, and we'd been watching documentaries on serial killers and other twisted fuckers like that. Many of them were necrophiliacs and every fucking time that I think of the word "necrophiliac" I think of "zoophiliac." Much thanks to my stupid curiosity for reading a textfile on zoophilia and how to do it. It was fucked up shit, alright. Seriously fucked up. I can't think of anything more fucked up than zoophilia, maybe except for that song by Accept called "Balls to the Wall." But then there's this other side of me while reading that shit, and thought it was fucking funny as hell.
I've read many a fucked up thing in my life, but nothing beats reading up on zoophilia. Dogs, and horses - are what I have learned about so far. I got too grossed out to read any further; That is why I cannot list anymore popular animals to have sex with for you. If you are wondering where you could expand your knowledge on getting kinky with animals that have more than two legs and genitals that are bigger than that pork roast that you had for dinner, I'd be happy to gross you out and show you the link.
Right now I still am very freaked out about that shit, being that the textfile that I'd read was written by a woman who had fucked about 49 or so dogs in her lifetime, all male dogs and about two or so female. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm trying to laugh more about it than continue to be totally fucking grossed out, because for me that's the best way to cure something; Try to find some humor in it.
Oh, here's a good way to find humor in zoophilia: Think of the Chicken Lover from South Park. You know, that guy with the mustache who drove that giant blue bus with rainbows painted on it for Read-a-Book Day. He fucked chickens in bushes and the kids found porn in the book collection that was inside the bus.
I almost did a book report on
Mein Kampf once, just for the sake of finding a unique book. Negatively unique, true, but what I really wanted to see was to test the tolerance level of my teacher. Mind you, this was around seventh grade that I first got the idea. Oh man, to see that fucker freak out. And the thing is, if I really did do the book report on
Mein Kampf, I'd have tried to make it the best and most fucking detailed and highest-quality paper that I could possibly write, to make it look as if I'm actually serious about it. Every time I think about that book, I think of
American History X and Edward Furlong's skinheadedness. Now
that kid takes that book seriously.
If you haven't noticed already, lately I've been posting a shitload of pictures. To be honest, it's because I don't have as much to say, and post a bunch of shitless pictures to make up for my loss of words. It is quite a failure, I know. Because this one particular entry is so fucking long.
You know who owns more than Nada?
