Wednesday, December 7
I changed my mind about how good my coat is. I was wrong, it fucking sucks balls. Today was about 25-30 degrees out when I was walking home and that goddamn piece of shit didn't do shit for me. It is really about time that I got a new one. But my new found job and its income will only be sufficient pretty much for Christmas gifts and a new handbag and shirt for myself. Or I just could not get the bag and buy a new coat instead. You see, this is where Shopper's Insanity comes in. One cannot decide between fashion or health.
Yesterday my friend sent me a CD with ninety-nine songs on it by a band called the Excrementory Grindfuckers. The reason why there are ninety-nine songs on one CD is explained in their name. I know folks in New Jersey would get it in a second. For we are famous for living in the land of the many "-core" genres in music.
The music is fucking hilarious and they did a gnarly version of David Hasselhoff's song, with some line that the former Baywatch hairyman repeats, "I've been looking for freedom." I have no idea if it's the actual title of the song, along with being the chorus or if it's just the chorus.
Yeah, so Christina joined her first extracurricular activity of high school not too long ago. National Art Honor Society. The only reason I joined it was that it's the only thing I can do, and I should at least give
one decent thing for those college fuckers to look at. There was a meeting today at 7:45AM that I reluctantly arrived (late) at, and the teacher filled us in on the details for the induction ceremony for tomorrow night at 7:00. Jesus fucking Christ man, I don't want to go. But I have to, or else I'm not a goddamn member, hence the title "induction ceremony." I didn't hear everything that the teacher said, but us new members sit on the stage behind the senior members with a candle under our chairs, and the senior members go around and light our candles or some shit. And then everybody stands up and recites a poem. What the fuck, man. The whole time that she was telling us this I was thinking, "Why the fuck did I sign up for this? I'm no candle-lighting hippie tree hugging quilt-making fucktard."
But I finally looked at the big picture. We're most likely only meeting at a maximum of five times a year, and we're most likely not going to do anything at all. Just an assignment or two to help a teacher out with bulletins or posters or shit. One thing that I do not want to give up is my lunch. If there is any assignment that forces me to give up my lunchtime or cut it to a mere fucking ten minutes, I just won't show up and eventually get kicked out of the society altogether. I could always join again next year. Yeah man, that's the way to do it.
I told my mom about the ceremony tonight during dinner. She didn't really want to go and I agreed with her. It was a mutual and I think overall, logical, decision. Her reason being that she is ashamed of her lack of english (which I don't really see as apparent because everybody I know or she knows claims that she is fucking great) and she doesn't know what to do when around other caucasians, and my reason being that I am not taking much pride in this. When I don't take pride in something, I prefer to handle it alone. Not to mention that my mom loves to make fun of everything, just as I do. So if she went, she'd probably make fun of the ceremony and the candle-lighting and me actually standing on a fucking stage. And of course, if she were in some sort of ceremony, I'd be making fun of her too after the whole thing is over. So yeah, no one is going to come see me be inducted into the NAHS. I couldn't really give a lumberjack's beard because I'm joining it for all the wrong reasons.
Plus, there probably would be a good chance for a field trip or an assignment that gets me out of normal shithole classes. Or excuses to walk around and eat or do nothing - just the way I like it.