Sunday, November 27
I have made a decision. It is about time that I fucking grew up and started wearing makeup. Lame epiphany, but it's true. I'm sixteen fucking years old, I look like I'm eighteen or nineteen or even older, shouldn't that give me a reason why I should start?
There was a really nice customer that I was helping today at work at the counter, but then my co-worker went up to me to tell me something and I said something something "they didn't bullshit me" by mistake right in front of everyone and then the lady didn't look so kind anymore. It kind of baffles me why or how I got this job, because you try to help people for 90% of the time, and not to mention that my manager always assigns me as the greeter - the person who walks around in the front of the store saying hello and giving out candy in a basket or coupons or catalogs to people.
I have never seen so much irony in my life.Buy one