Saturday, November 12
My mom's friend just came over with his five-year-old daughter, so that he could help my folks rennovate the basement. I was washing my shit-stained hands in the bathroom when he rang the doorbell, and I thought my mom was going to answer it or that he was going to take the backdoor. My sister pulls a dumbfuck and walks back and forth twice past the front door in full view of the little window that is in it, and doesn't even bother to answer the door. By this time I thought my mom would've answered it already. Turns out she wasn't even upstairs. So I open the main door and there the guy was, about to get back into his car and drive back home, which is like forty-five minutes away. I open the stormdoor for him and his kid to come into the house and he doesn't even say hi to me, but he does to my mom and the other person who was too ignorant to answer the door. I don't know why he won't ever speak to me. This has been going on for quite a number of years and it really baffles me because he used to play with me all the time when I was a kid. Maybe he's afraid of me, like every other friend of my parents'.
I don't hate the guy, I mean, he's a fucking hippie. It's either he's exactly like all of my parents' friends and dislikes me for me, or that he knows that I disapprove of treehuggers. Who knows. It's about time that I accept the fact that I don't belong around my own kind. Actually I do, but it's just that they should at least acknowledge my existence. And maybe even fucking say hello for once. I'm sorry that I'm not a fucking pussy like everyone else who he does speak to, but I prefer to not be a pussy. I'd like to be proud of my girl balls and not keep them in my purse, thank you very much.
Turns out I read the schedule wrong and I have work today at 6:00PM to 10:00PM. Good. Because I like helping customers and holding money at the register and stocking martini glasses. This morning I woke up at 4:45 from insomnia. I didn't give a shit because I thought I had to work at 6:00AM and I have to wake up an hour earlier to get ready and to actually get there. Pulled a stupid, alright.
Pisses me off that The Tick isn't airing, and I have no idea when it will again. Fuck Spider-man, Major Glory kicks way more ass than he can. And Valhallen. And Krunk, too.

Hell yes.