Thursday, November 3
Oh man, I don't think I ever told you folks about that scary freshman girl yet. She's officially on my shit list, write this down. About two gym classes ago, when I was changing in the "locker room," since there really is no more locker room because of construction, I took my shirt off and out of some natural instinct, I turn around. I see this chick checking me out like no tomorrow. Her face was like a fucking full moon, she was looking right at me, from straight across the room. And I'm thinking, "Holy shit, what the fuck is with this girl?" And then the thought that we all like to hide way in the back of our minds, "What the fuck, do I really appeal to lesbians?" In my head I felt so fucking violated that such an ugly daughter of a bastard would check me out like that. I mean, if you like someone's undergarments and hope to ask them where they purchased them from, I understand. Same thing about jeans. But this chick didn't ask me where I got my undergarments from, so she was checking me out without at least hiding behind a curtain or something, so she rightfully belongs on the shit list. Fucking dumb, man. In my mind, I looked like this:

I feel your pain, brother. I wouldn't want ugly lesbians eyeing my tits either. Not that I have much, but the quality bra made it look like there was something.
This person kept popping up in my mind all day because I fucking saw her again this morning in the hallway, when she almost tripped over my friend. Then I told my other friend about her and she told me that this scary chick was checking me out again and just got caught in the moment. It was a joke though, but would be scary as all fucking hell if it were true.
That really sucks balls. This is one of the times when I wish there were a unisex changing area so that I could at least feel a little bit decent. If this moron keeps on "popping up" any longer while I'm feeling pissed off, I guess I'll just pop one up in her fucking face.